Wednesday 27 July 2016

Add in the finisher!!!

As seen in many of my recent posts everyone in the fitness industry is gearing up for the summer. Refining their diet, cutting the calories and bringing their intensity up when working up. This doesn't mean however everything must be high reps, you can still lift heavy but add in these few little points and you will add in intensity without even realising it!!

Stick to compound lifts
Add the beginning of every session stick to the big lifts for the muscle groups you're training, thus engaging more muscles meaning more fuel is required for these to function and a greater number of calories burnt. Furthermore your heart rate will hit sky high due to the sheer amount of effort that is required on these exercises.

Contraction, contraction, contraction!!
When training pay extra focus to the contraction of the muscle when doing a certain exercise. Things such as tempo in which you're performing the exercise and the stretch and squeeze which I talk about so much. This will in turn make the muscle work a great deal harder not only building and conditioning the muscle but requiring more energy to perform the exercise.

Cardio Mini Blast
These are one of the favourite things I use with clients and is as simple as just adding a quick 20 second cardio blast on the end of a set. These could be running on the spot, jumping lunges, burpees or even star jumps, anything that will just increase the heart rate. This will burn those extra few calories, get a better sweat on but more importantly build a better metabolic rate.

The Finisher
This is something I've really started to include in my workouts and is basically just a simple circuit of some kind to finish off the workout. I always like to use compound exercises from the workout I'm doing to fatigue the muscle group I'm training further but also to act as a HIIT/cardio session on the back end of my workout. Here are a few examples.

Legs - 8 rounds in the quickest time of:
6 Front Squats
12 Back Squats
5 Burpees

Back - As many rounds a possible (AMRAP) 10 minutes:
10 Deadlifts
5 Pulls Ups
5 Burpees.

You get the idea, all being very simple but so effective on the end of a workout and there you have it. A few simple ideas that can get you really working hard in the gym to get that summer body ready.

Train hard, look great on the beach!!!


Thursday 21 July 2016

What should I be wearing in the gym?

What you wear in the gym is becoming more of a concern for many then what they're actually in the gym to do, workout!! As gyms become more and more commercialised a workout can often mean a catch up with friends along with some time spent working out, so how you look is taking more of a president. With this in mind, companies are targeting this market by styling their products more on look than functionality to how they help you in the gym. This some how means that the normal outfit, which would have costed you £40 now seems to cost £80 in the new season, with just a change to the styling and colours used. Here are a few of my tips to get round the ever growing cost!!! 

Don’t always go with the leading market street names!!
I am a big advocate of Nike, always have been and always will be however more and more they are pricing their customers out of the market and the average person just can’t afford it, this is when you need to look online. One of the most recent companies to take the clothing market by storm is Gymshark. Originating from a duo in there back room whilst studying at Birmingham University it has become the must buy clothing and endorsed by the top athletes around the world, Steve Cook being one with the biggest profile. The quality is that easily of Nike, some of the best styling on the market, affordable to anyone and durability making it last for years to come. I started wearing Gymshark just over 3 months ago and I now just don't want to get out of the stuff, so I’m speaking from experience. So look to the online names and not just those you see on the high street. 

Go reversible!!!
This is some what of a new idea by many companies are now bringing out ranges which are reversible. Now you may say well why is this useful to me, well if you buy a reversible top you're getting two outfits in one. Meaning you'll have an extensive wardrobe, making your friends all jealous, all on a budget with just a few more washing tablets needed to get those few extra washes in. Nike are one of the best for this for men, along with Pink for the ladies. 

Style you're own!!
With the gym becoming more of an icon for fashion then don't be afraid to style your own. Grab some gym t-shirts and shorts from a cheap retail shop, some spray paint and get styling. Yes it won’t absorb your sweat as well, but who cares your in the gym for that very reason. Another benefit to this idea is no one will ever have the same top as you, plus who knows people may want to start buying your stuff. 

So there you have it, three simple ideas you can use in order to look stylish in the gym and stay on budget. 


Wednesday 13 July 2016

'Bad workout is the one you didn't do’!!!

‘I really don't feel like the gym today’, is a thought that goes through everyones head from time to time no matter if you're just beginning your fitness journey, or at the top with it being your profession, everyone has these doubts. So I’m just going to explain a few things quickly that I think can help you out. 

Make sure you keep mixing up what you're doing!! 
One of the main issues as to why people put the gym off or don't really want to go is because they're bored with it. Doing the same exercises, rep schemes and not seeing any change to their body. Firstly, change is going to come instantly, its something you need to work at over time but furthermore doing the same routine week in week out isn't either, you must shock the body in order for it to change. Mix things up such as a heavy week or a high reps week, make the session into a circuit, anything that shall just see some kind of change. 

Use different training styles. 
This is one thing that I definitely use in my training, especially if its late and I really don't want to train, lets take legs for example. I normally start with heavy front/back squat performing anywhere between 2-5 reps for anywhere from 5-10 sets. When you less motivated however you will never hit the weight you want to hit, become frustrated and really do anything to put off squatting that weight. One thing I like to do is ‘on the minute, every minute’ principle. Take the weight down to say 80% of what you would lift to perform 5 reps of front squat and perform 5 front squats on every minute for 10 minutes. I would then do the same but for 10 reps for back squat. This really gets you're heart rate up but more importantly motivated you as you know that the quicker you do the4 reps (not compromising form) the more rest you get before the minutes up. Plus you end up completing 50 front squats and 100 back squats all at pretty good weights. This principle can be used for any lift but I like to stick with the compound exercises such as the bench, deadlift and push press. Other styles could be Tabata, (20 on, 10 off for 4 minutes) or AMRAP, as many rounds as possible in a set time of a few exercises. All things just to keep you that little more motivated. 

Train with a partner.
Not everyone can afford a PT to watch their every move and motivate them that little bit more when the workouts becoming tough, but someone that can do the same job is a training partner. Work together through the workout, spotting each other, giving one another encouragement to get those few extra reps. Plus the principle I like to use is you've got to beat the reps from the set before, brings a bit of competition to the training and bragging rights in the changing room after the session. 

Test yourself.
This is another one of my favourite things and its as simple as once a week putting a test into one of your sessions, here are a few I like to use:
- Max Rep BW Squat/Bench/Deadlift without rest.
- 100 squats/press-ups timed.
- One rep max
There are many more but anything that is timed with maximal reps usually does the trick. 

So there you have it, a few tips to when you're really not feeling like going to the gym to use to get that workout in as don't forget ‘the bad workout is the one you didn't do’!!!


Friday 8 July 2016

Getting in Holiday Shape

With July upon us the airports are becoming busy, the sun tan lotion going on sale along with the crash diet plans but all you seemly need to is follow three simple points. 

  1. Don’t leave it to the last minute and go on a crash diet!! Things won’t change over night, yes you might in your mind see some changes but for the long term this won’t work. You’ll starve your body of what it requires and end up binging 3 days later, it must be sustainable, so plan in advance. Attempt to start 4 weeks out, with a 3 day rotation on a food plan. This will keep you from getting bored but ensure on the third day to one treat meal. This could be a bar of your favourite chocolate or drink you just crave, this meaning you are less likely to have a binge day and keep you on track with the diet. 
  2. Cut out on empty calories. I’m sure you are going to be drinking plenty on you're holiday away so cut down on this before you go. Drinks are empty calories that are just going to bump up the overall in take when you could be getting further, better nutrition out of eating food. The big hitters are coffee, especially the cool, high in sugar cold coffee’s from Starbucks. Stay away from these as much as you can and you shall see results. 
  3. Additional cardio. This doesn't mean extra session or long, time consuming time on the cross trainer just a quick 10 minutes on the end of your workout. Row 2000m, run a mile or intervals on the bike anything that shall keep the heart rate high, burn some extra calories and boast the metabolism post workout. 

These are three easy tips that any one can structure into their diet and training running up to a holiday and shall easily see the benefits. 

Now hit the gym hard, eat clean and look great on holiday.


Sunday 3 July 2016

Summer Training Tips

Following on from my last post talking about what’s needed in your summer diet to get the body of your dreams, I thought I would talk about how to train your body to achieve these goals. Much the same as with your diet there are a few alterations needed to really move you're training away from the bulking, lift as much weight as you can training over the winter, so here we go.

Keep compound exercises in your routine!
Now in the off season I personally tend to really focus on the big three, (Deadlift, squat and bench) developing additional strength and often mass to the areas I'm targeting. Now often people believe when you're eating less calories you can't perform these so often as they put so much strain on your body due to muscle recruitment and prefer the more isolation exercises. Second to that you won't be able to hit the weight or reps you were when your calorie consumption was higher. This is all wrong!! You want to burn as may calories as you can in your sessions and what exercises recruit the most muscles and therefore burn the most calories, yes you guessed it, compound!! Don't go ludicrous with the weight and volume, but use things such as on the minute every minute for 10 minutes principle. I like using 80% of my 1rpm and perform 5 on every minute, performing 50 reps total. Now anyone who says this won't build strength, condition the muscle, burn calories and somewhat count for cardio is lying. The quicker you perform the reps the more rest you'll get ensuring your being explosive and powerful = strength. The sheer little rest you're getting ensures you're HR is through the roof for a considerable long period of time. Its just ideal when cutting as it ticks every box so keep compound exercises in your routine. 

Use supersets and tri-sets in your programme! 
Supersets are when you perform two exercises consecutively after one another with ti-sets being three. These can be for the same muscle group, opposing muscle groups or just a cardio based movement, I'll explain. First of all, supersetting can be done in a few different ways. You can do antagonist supersetting, which is the pairing of two opposite muscle groups such as biceps and tricepschest and back, and quads and hamstrings. For example, you can superset bench press with dumbbell flies or squats with leg extensions. Usually agonist supersetting is a combination of a compound movement with an isolation movement. Pairing two compound movements could be too intense, the same way that pairing two isolation movements could lack the intensity provided by a combination of compound and isolation. Tri-sets are much the same in that a third exercises is just added. I like this third exercises to be a cardio based one, just to raise the heart rate slightly more. Mountain climbers, squat jumps, box step ups or even a quick sprint. These are not too taxing on the body and shall just increase the HR that little more making your workout a cardio blast as well as still focusing on muscle growth, two workouts in one. 

HIIT is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals. HIIT can be applied to running or to exercises such as squatting. HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat than ever before. This is my choice in cardio when I do it over LISS. Jump on the rower and perform best effort 10x250m rows, resting for 40 seconds between, really focusing on a maximum output. You can incorporate things such as Tabata into this which is the principle of 20 seconds work along with 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes, this is great for bodyweight exercises such as squat and press ups attempting to beat your score of reps for the 20 seconds prior. 

So there you have it, three adjustments to your training in order to get summer ready. Any questions be sure to leave a comment below!!!

Train hard, fight easy!!
