Friday 8 July 2016

Getting in Holiday Shape

With July upon us the airports are becoming busy, the sun tan lotion going on sale along with the crash diet plans but all you seemly need to is follow three simple points. 

  1. Don’t leave it to the last minute and go on a crash diet!! Things won’t change over night, yes you might in your mind see some changes but for the long term this won’t work. You’ll starve your body of what it requires and end up binging 3 days later, it must be sustainable, so plan in advance. Attempt to start 4 weeks out, with a 3 day rotation on a food plan. This will keep you from getting bored but ensure on the third day to one treat meal. This could be a bar of your favourite chocolate or drink you just crave, this meaning you are less likely to have a binge day and keep you on track with the diet. 
  2. Cut out on empty calories. I’m sure you are going to be drinking plenty on you're holiday away so cut down on this before you go. Drinks are empty calories that are just going to bump up the overall in take when you could be getting further, better nutrition out of eating food. The big hitters are coffee, especially the cool, high in sugar cold coffee’s from Starbucks. Stay away from these as much as you can and you shall see results. 
  3. Additional cardio. This doesn't mean extra session or long, time consuming time on the cross trainer just a quick 10 minutes on the end of your workout. Row 2000m, run a mile or intervals on the bike anything that shall keep the heart rate high, burn some extra calories and boast the metabolism post workout. 

These are three easy tips that any one can structure into their diet and training running up to a holiday and shall easily see the benefits. 

Now hit the gym hard, eat clean and look great on holiday.


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