Tuesday 16 August 2016

Steve Cook - BIG Programme

If any of you are avid followers of mine you will know I am a huge Steve Cook fan, for those of you that don’t know who this man is, you seriously need to check him out. Steve is very popular in the fitness industry after becoming an IFBB pro Men's Physique Competitor, Optimum Nurtition, GymShark and Bodybuilding.com spokesmen and of course the founder of Swoldier nation. Swoldier nation is Steve Cook's ethos on training in the gym but furthermore in life. Doing things the right way. This could be through setting goals to achieve in the gym or the mind set that underpins the drive that causes you to succeed in life. This has become massive with many followers really starting to bring a different light on the muscle building community.

Enough on the man himself lets now see what he can do for you and this comes in his new programme called the BIG programme. The programme is designed for people who want to improve mobility and body functionality, don’t have the desire or time to create a program themselves along with a real desire to be stronger but yet still remain lean. It has been designed by Steve himself along with two of his close friends Michael Cazayoux and Jacob Hutton who physiques and abilities to rival anyone. The thing however that I love most about this programme is Steve is following it himself. He's not just the poster boy for it, telling everyone how they should be doing it yet training totally differently, no he's there putting the hard work in himself and suffering just as much as you will be, you can see this on his most recently posted video.


Here is a quick break down of the 24 weeks, I’m currently on week 8, time to lift big!!!

Week 1 : Test Week – Find your max to use in the programme over the following few weeks. 
Weeks 2-7 – Muscle endurance is the focus along with hypertrophy and dynamic as through the whole programme. 
Weeks 8-12 – Maximal Strength and Hypertrophy are the primary focus
Weeks 13-24 – This segment is split into three 4 week blocks. The focus for this block of training is maximal strength and hypertrophy. These 12 weeks are the ‘Show weeks’ experiencing what the top guys go through to get ready for a show.

This is a MUST programme if you're struggling for motivation in the gym and really want to push your body into the next stage of growth. So many of my clients approach me with ludicrous high volume workouts they've read in magazines which they're never going to be able to do, thus becoming demotivated and quite often leading to injury. The fitness industry has a lot of smoke and mirrors but this programme isn't that, no matter where you are at whether it be a beginning or a professional this programme is going to work as the programme is catered to your ability not others. My only point would be is when it gets tough you've got to stick to it whole heartedly, as elements of this programme are very tough. So check it out

I’m not one to pump and recommend things but this you really need to check out. So get to it!!!


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