Wednesday 28 October 2015

Keep clean eating whilst on the move, Squats, Deadlifting and Spectre.

Recently I have been away a lot with work however as discussed in previous posts this hasn't stopped me from eating clean and the fundamental reason for this is meal prep, but also my 8 pack bag from MyProtein. 

Now this allows me to store up to 8 meals in the bag along with side pouches to store secondary items, this is where I like to put my cottage cheese, fruit and greek yogurt. This bag goes everywhere with me and allows for me to eat wherever, whenever. Its so durable unlike most bags where the zip breaks after a few weeks, this will survive the most brutal of users. Its currently priced at £29.99 in both holdall and back bag, couldn't recommend this enough, so get over to 

On greek yoghurt I’ve recently just swapped to Skyr yogurt. This stuff is in my opinion the best yogurt currently on the market. It’s fat free, high in protein tipping the scales at 11 grams per 100 grams and has only 4 grams of sugar. This is a must buy!! Great as a pre workout snack and pre bed snack or even on top of my favourite banana omelettes. Get down to the supermarket where it is currently a bargain with two 450 grams tubs for £3. You can’t beat that. 

Lastly as many of the long term followers will know I’ve recently been focusing a lot more on the big compound moves. Last week was a great training week for me. If you follow me on Instagram you'll see that I managed to get out 170kg back squat for 5 reps which is a new personal record for me. For some reason training in a jumper inspired me to go heavier than normal, working my way up slowly to this weight. When I go heavy my back often gives way, however with my deadlifting routine being on point recently my lower back seems to be a lot stronger and be managed to put up bigger weight. On the point of deadlifts I managed to max out at 220kg this week, not that far away from half a ton. This was with pretty sore legs so I was really pleased. Points to note when going heavy is really bend down and use your legs more in the movement as oppose to just your back. Furthermore warm up correctly, I went up from 160kg in 10kg intervals, this really helps prepare yourself mentally when going heavy and often don't notice the difference in weight. 

In other news I was inspired by a viewing of Spectre on Sunday as I got invited to the cast and crew viewing, prior to the premiere on Monday. If you haven’t yet checked it out do, you won’t regret it.

Anyway have a great weeks training


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