Just a quick entry following my leg day yesterday. Now just before I trained I decided to watch a big inspiration of mine, Steve Cook on youtube, training legs. It was a video of him hitting legs aiming to put on size in a hypertrophy state. 8x8 on each exercise with only 30 seconds rest. As soon as I watched this I knew this was the principle i was going to work off of. Now to the workout out:
10 minute Watt Bike interval based warm up.
8x8 Leg Curl
8x8 Front Squat
8x8 Weight Walking Lunges - 8 on each leg.
8x8 Leg Extension/Dumbbell Sumo Squats/Wall Sit.
Leg Curl - I often neglect my hamstrings so begun with these today. Much like when your training your biceps for example ensure you get a full contraction, squeezing the hamstring. Increase the weight with each set however don't let the weight dictate tempo, keeping this 2240. The slow contraction, with a 2 second pause, followed by 4 second eccentric phase will build the muscle, not the amount of weight you can lift.
Front Squat - This is my new favourite exercise!!! I’ve always loved squats but these at the minute are just hitting my quads so hard. Its predominantly a quad exercise hitting less of the posterior chain like in a back squat would. I took Steve Cook’s advice and put my heels on weight plates which aided my squat no end. This is simulating what it would be like to wear lifting shoes when squatting. Below is the link of me squatting using this method. Worth a watch to explain how this method can benefit your squat.
Walking Lunges - With these make sure your always keeping a straight upper body and pushing through the movement. Keep your core engaged at all times. If you're slightly wobbly reduce the weight.
Leg Extension, Sumo Squat, Wall Sit. - This is the finisher to the leg workout. Make sure on the extension you get a full extension, pausing for a 2 second count, seeing the quads contract. Lower under control. For the Sumo Squat hold a dumbbell with both hands in the centre of your body, with a wide squat stance. This is targeting your gluteus. Wall sit for a 20 second count or failure. Squat just above parallel. This tri-set will hurt, use light weight as the main purpose is just to push the muscle beyond the point of fatigue, forcing growth.
Some might say this is a lot of volume, however your legs are the biggest muscle group so need to be hit hard. Ensure all exercises are done under control with particular attention paid to tempo and you wont be walking for days.
Good Luck
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