Sunday, 5 July 2015

Being away and nights out

I spent most of my weekend in Liverpool due to work commitments and therefore didn't manage to get into the gym however this still didn't stop me having a quick workout by going on a run around the docks followed by a quick on the minute every minute workout. This basically involves you performing a given set of exercises on the minute and with the remaining time left of the minute being your rest. I choose just one exercise as I wanted to just hit my aerobic capacity as oppose to any strength based training. The exercise of choice were burpees, more specifically 20 burpees. I ended up doing the whole workout for 15 minutes which totalled 300 burpees in the end. Before I begun I knew the workout was going to be difficult but towards the end I was very much regretting it, when I was only receiving 20 seconds rest. 

The reason why I am writing this blog though is what do you drink when you go out of evening what do you drink and not just consume empty calories. It’s one of the biggest dilemmas for people who live a healthy life style but yet still want to go out with friends and have fun. My drink of choice is a Gin and Tonic. Even though there is still around 70 calories a drink, its not as bad as say a beer. My main advice would be to stay away from mixers that you know are full of sugar, the main one of these being Coke. So many people drink JD and Cokes, this is full of calories!!!! AVOID IT!!!!  If you're a big mover on the dance floor like me then drink what you want. Get the shuffle going or even the air bass guitar which is always an hilarious move. My biggest tip of all however is have a protein shake in the fridge ready and waiting for when you get back.  Alcohol has been proved to reduce protein synthesis by 15-20% so get a shake down you to reduce the chance of this happening. Furthermore this is at its highest 24 hours after training, so you're better to drink straight after a workout as oppose to later when your body is in recovery mode.

There are a few tips that can help you when being away, having a few drinks and still stay on track.


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