Friday, 28 February 2014

Pro 10 BCAA Powder

If you're a regular to my blog then you'll know I like writing blogs on excellent supplements which you can use to benefit your training and reach the goals which you would like to reach, Pro 10 BCAA powder is another one of these. I never really used BCAA until three months ago when I just wanted to improve my gains slightly and ensure my recovery was efficient, ever since then I would never not have BCAA in my supplement regime.

First a little background for you on those who don't know much about BCAA. Branch Chain Amino Acids are the building blocks to protein, these are therefore known as the essential amino acids. The body needs these for protein synthesis to occur, basically repairing and building muscle. 8 of the 16 amino acids are produced by the body with a rest needing to be found in your diet, with more needed for those you workout as more repair to muscles are needed. BCAA are even better as they metabolise through the muscle tissue and not the liver therefore arriving straight at the source and not through the body, this is only unique to BCAA. The main three BCCA are leucine, isoleucine and valine.

So why do many people take BCAA? The most overwhelming reason for it is catabolic crisis.  This is mainly through as the body gets leaner and stores less body fat.The when the body gets tired it starts to break down muscle to use the amino acids as fuel. Meaning all those hours in the gym you are putting in are pointless as you won't see gains. However through the supplementation of BCAA this won't occur as they decrease the activity of the components of protein breakdown . This is the reason why I started taking BCCA as I was not seeing any further gains, whilst remaining lean, this however totally changed after taking this supplement.

When and how should you take this supplement then. I personally take a 2 gram scoop in my water whilst training as this is when muscle breakdown is most likely to occur and further taking one before bed as through the night recovery is the main aim in which this will aid in. The product itself is wonderful, and is tasteless with water. This product is therefore a must for those looking to build muscle and optimise their recovery, with Pro 10 being the best and with a price of  £23.99 for 500grams it's a bargain.

As always remember, 70% diet and 30% gym.


1 comment:

  1. Good explanation of BCAA's and their importance in body building. Thank you
