Tuesday, 22 March 2016

You can't always have great workouts

You can't always have good workouts. 

Today was one of those workouts where I really was just not firing. Heavy deadlifts to begin with 6x3 at 220kg and it was a struggle, into an normal hypertrophy back routine and I just really wasn't feeling. What do you do in this situation, here are my 3 tips:

1) Spend to long in the gym trying to have a good workout. Throw in a quick few supersets or a circuit for that muscle group. Keep everything at a high intensity. Don't try to keep pushing on through the normal routine, thinking you're going to hit the reps and lift the weight you normally would. Get in and get out. 

2) Push yourself beyond where you normally would, running the risk of injury. Because you're not getting that pump don't then start loading up the bar with more weight, pushing the body beyond a point you normally would. This will end up leading to injuries as if you're mind isn't in it then, your body most defiantly won't be. An injury will put you much further back than one bad workout!!!! 

3) Change the muscle group you're training. So many people end up doing this when faced with this situation. I promise you now you'll end up just getting the same results, wasting another good workout, another day. Just follow point number 1 and cut your losses. 

Just remember training is a mental game, not always a physical game. If you're minds not in it neither will the body. A bad workout is only once in a blue moon and use the points above which will help you get the best out of these days. 

Hope this helps and more importantly happy training. 


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