Following on from my last post reference powerlifting I want to go into detail how I've started using more powerlifting techniques in my programme, more so cleans.
Now this is a exercise which I think is often over looked in the bodybuilding world as one of the mass builders along with the more common squat, bench and deadlift combination. The clean uses many muscle groups, as in its basic form it's a deadlift into a upright row, lastly pushing your elbow through ending in the rack position. Hamstrings and lower back dominate, moving into upper back, along with traps, whilst your core is essential to keep you stable at all times. This is why I love to start my routine with heavy deadlifts, into heavy cleans.
This is an explosive movement, so make it explosive!!
- Recruit your legs as the power house muscle at the beginning of the movement.
- Much like a deadlift keep the bar in a straight line all the way through the movement.
- Get under the bar. Once the movement has been shifted from legs and more so to the upper back concentrate on getting under the bar.
- Push your elbows through and high.
- Lower the weight under full control.
I like to do heavy cleans, really to focus on my speed, explosiveness, power and strength. I like 6x6 getting heavier each set. The the 100 rep challenge right at the end of my workout, with half my bodyweight on the bar, hitting the 100 reps in shortest time possible. If done correctly you will finish the workout on the floor in a puddle of your own sweat. Ensure that the form of the exercise however is never comprised.
So there you have the one exercise you need to use in your programme. There are many different variations, so keep mixing it up. Learn the basics, gradually increase weight and this will be an exercise you keep in your programme.
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