Tuesday, 23 June 2015

How many carbs do I need to eat??

The volume of carbohydrates in anyones diet has always been a massive worry for many people. So people believe that cutting all carbs whether it be high glycemic or also low glycemic carbs is what needed to become shredded and to look like all the time fitness models, well in many ways you'd be wrong.

For many years this was me, always thinking that cutting carbs out of my diet will allow me to lose what and look lean for the ever 6 pack to come out which is everyones desire. Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient. They are your body's preferred energy source, and they're a great source of fuel for any physical activity you might do during the day. But, if you don't use carbs the right way at the right times, they can add an enormous amount of fat to your body. There are four easy ways to do this:

1 At breakfast you body is deprived of calories and energy due to you fasting throughout the night therefore, this is one of the best times to consume carbohydrates as your glucose tolerance is at its highest. For breakfast grab something that is full of slow glycemic carbs, best option being something like oats. This is slow releasing, keeping you fuller for longer.
2 Another great time to eat carbs and is where they are also essential is both pre and post workout. Pre workout carbs will give you the energy to sustain a high, intense rate throughout your workout however if you body is not use to consuming carbohydrates here be careful as it may make you feel tired and slow. Opt for a high glycemic carb like a banana to give you a quick energy burst, some time fitness models even go as far as krispy kreme donuts . Post workout is when your body is at one of its highest to consume carbs in order to gain recovery and energy. (I wont bore you with all the details). Again you want a fast absorbing carb which will get straight into the muscle. Fruits and honey are always a great source. I often make a shake with my whey protein along with kiwi and a banana. A little treat to look forward to. Here you want to be consuming around 40-60grams if you are monitoring your macro nutrients. 
3 Don’t eat all your carbs in one sitting, this will make you feel bloated and often very tired. Instead opt to break it up over the day, constantly feeding the muscles. This works the same for proteins and fats. This leads me onto how you need to mix up the carbs you're eating, don’t just eat rice all day. One you'll get bored and so will your body processing it. Instead opt for things so as bulgar wheat, sweet potato and VEGETABLES!!!
4 Eating carbohydrates late at night has always been a huge topic of conversation across the fitness world. Many people say that you should eat no carbs after 7pm as unless you train late  as you body no longer needs energy however I am some what against this. Don’t get me wrong I don’t eat a huge volume of carbs late a night but I don’t cut them completely out. If they fit into your macros for the day then go ahead and eat them. 
5 The best way I look at eating carbs in general is you must mix it up. Eat more carbs then you normally would and see if they give you more energy in the gym, if they don’t then taper them down slightly. Second to that is look in the mirror, this is a mans best friend in getting a good body even if slightly vein. If you're looking to fat, cut down on the volume food especially carbs you're eating. If you want to put some bulk on, up the food you're eating. Easy as that. Give it a week or so between changing this and you'll notice such a difference when comparing yourself in the mirror. This will help you understand what is best for your body as everyones body works differently and you can build on it from there. 

Therefore don't be afraid of eating carbohydrates just follow the five easy steps above and see how they work for you, however this isn't gospel. These are the foundation to test your body and understand how it reacts to this and adjust it to fit your individuals needs for the future. 

Remember 70% diet and 30% gym.


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