Friday, 30 December 2016

Pull Ups give you wings

Following a video I put up on Instagram @jcdpersonaltraining I thought I'd write a quick blog on pull ups.  In my eyes the one exercise then anyone looking to stay in shape should master. Performed correctly they are the most effective exercise for isolating your posterior chain and growth to your back. Here is a quick break down of the fundamentals when performing a pull up.

Full range of motion : this is the most crucial and something I tell so many people when performing a pull up. A full stretch at the bottom of the rep to a squeeze and full contraction right up to the traps at the top of the rep. Doing this, you will recruit so many more muscle groups and strengthen the posterior chain as a whole. When people add weight to the pull up the range of motion seems to diminish, ensure this doesn't happen. Don't add weight until you are strong enough to using the full range of motion.

Tempo and contraction: This is where the growth occurs. Many neglect tempo for weight, now both have their benefits but lifting lots of weight with little or any form is going to do nothing, as tempo, no matter the weight, will always stimulate the muscle no matter weight, within reason. With a pull up tempo is crucial on the lowering, otherwise known as the eccentric phase. People believe that you only benefit from the pulling element of the movement but lowering your body under control will help with becoming stronger and aid with growth. Anything you have better control over you're automatically going to be stronger at, so don't neglect this. Contraction follows on from this ensuring through each rep as each muscle takes over from the other you're getting the most out of it. Focus on feeling each muscle, squeezing that muscle pulling to bring you closer to the bar. This is where tempo is needed to really feel this, so don't neglect either.

Alternative Exercises: What if I can't do a pull up? Well firstly I would recommended jumping up to the bar and lowering yourself under control, aim for a 4 second count. This will stimulate the muscles needed to perform a pull ups, with perseverance you'll be able to do a full pull up. I wouldn't really recommend using the assisted pull up machines instead use a heavy duty band looped on to the bar putting your foot on the band and then perform the pull up. Depending on the band this will decrease your overall bodyweight, as you become stronger use thinner, not so strong bands and soon you won't need assistance. I recommend this over the machine as it allows for imbalances and a more realistic, functional and closest movement to the pull up itself.

So don't neglect the pull up and if you use the exercise correctly it can aid in giving you a killer back and the better wings than red bull. Head over to my Instagram @jcdpersonaltraining for videos and be sure to follow for more advice.

Happy New Year


Sunday, 18 December 2016

Christmas Tips

Christmas Eating

With Christmas fast approaching us the huge food shops have begun to ensure Christmas Day is bigger and better than last year. A bigger turkey, tastier Christmas pudding and the best mince pies money can buy. This does not help those who want to stay on track with their diet over the festive period in an attempt to beat the New Year diet. Here are a few tips to stay on track over Christmas yet still get the most out of the day.

1. A quick run or HIIT session Christmas morning. I know this sounds crazy but to get your metabolism really firing before a day of consuming your bodyweight in food get out and do some exercise. No more than 30 minutes is needed. Run 5 minutes to a local hill, 10 minutes of sprints followed by tabata squats (4 minutes, 20seconds work, 10 seconds rest), run back then cool down all before it's time to open the presents. Target the legs, with these being the bigger muscle groups a higher volume of calories shall be burnt, meaning you won't feel guilty having another Yorkshire.
2. Christmas lunch is always the bigger meal of the day so reduce your portion size on the other meals. Cut your breakfast in half, this will mean you'll be less full for when the main lunch arrives and you'll have those extra calories to eat at lunch without feeling guilty!!! Whatever you do, don't feel guilt for overindulging, it's the worse thing you can do. If you want something, eat it, it's one day. The more and more you crave it, when it comes to eating it you'll overindulge more because you feel like you've earned it.
3. Stick to the spirits. The festive period is a time to get merry but for those of you who want to stay on track as much as possible alcohol can be one of your biggest demos. Alcohol is branded by many experts as empty calories with the biggest protagonists being beer and wine so I personally would always advocate on sticking to spirits. Whisky has always been my choice as it's a drink that you can drink without the need of mixers as these can boast the calorie count. Gin with slim lime tonic and vodka with soda are both great alternatives.

So there you have it, three simple tips to keep you and your diet on track over the festive period.

Have a Merry Christmas
