Saturday, 10 September 2016

A season to change - New Programme

Writing a new programme

With the summer holidays now over for me looking lean and in shape like I actually attend a gym is not such a priority. This means new goals and objectives within my training are to be made, keeping my motivation and somewhat desire to staying fit. This is the fundamental factor in your training because everything will come together to achieve this end goal. Now for me this is to get the scales to read the grand total of 100kg, yet still be under 12% BF. I've never quite achieved this so this is the main goal along with a few other minor goals such as:
- 180kg Back Squat for 10
- 160kg Bench Press for 5
- Strict Overhead Press 100kg for 5.
I can't stress enough how vital it is to have these in place. When you get to that manic day at work and you realise that you've got to go a train legs that evening, the goal for back squats will force you to get under that bar, squat down and get back up again. It's that motivation that you need when you're just not feeling it.

Now just a quick few pointers when it comes to writing your programme:
1. Don't include too much. Volume has its place in any programme but often when writing workouts people tend to include way to much. Aim for no more than 20 sets, if you're struggling with that add in a superset, mini circuit at the end or even add in a second day into your programme. I'm currently doing this for back as I really want to try and create more width.
2. Set all your weights and reps. I am one of the worse for this myself in that I often end up going into the gym and roughly following what I've written down so this time I've written everything in detail and really follow it to the very last rep. Also ensure you keep slightly adjusting things such as weight to keep pushing yourself and become stronger.
3. Add in a test! Try to include in each workout something that will test you that little bit more, a mini challenge just for that workout. A timed circuit or max weight for reps, just something that will fire you up for that session.
4. Always have you're main objective in mind. Don't go off on a tangent when writing out these plans and remember how you've always wanted big arms so you're going to include them in every workout. Take a step back and think about how you're going to achieve that main goal.

So there you have it. As the sunshine is turning to rain here in London, with the seasons changing its time for you to change. I'm currently running a 8 week strength based programme for a one off price of £50. If you're interested in this or any programmes solely catered to you send me your details at

Happy Training
